Documents - for use only by the
Women of the Washington State Jurisdiction
Following are various DOCUMENTS and FORMS used by our Jurisdictional Department of Women. Click on the BUTTON to the left of the description to access the DOCUMENT or FORM desired.
ATTENTION: To anyone visiting this page...please note that these documents including the International Reporting Forms are ONLY for Washington State Jurisdiction Women - Downloading and Permission of Use of these Forms are NOT given to anyone outside of the Washington State Jurisdictional Department of Women members. (No refunds will be made if these forms are misused or used by others and funds or fees are collected).
REPORTING - INTERNATIONAL SPRING REPORTING FORM - for all WSJ Female Credential Holders (due February 28th at 9:00am) - this Intl. Reporting Form is ONLY for Washington State Jurisdiction Women - no refunds will be made if this form is misused or used by others.
REPORTING - INTERNATIONAL FALL REPORTING FORM - for WSJ Female Credential Holders, Auxiliaries, Bands, Circles, Units (due September 30th at 9:00am) - this Intl. Reporting Form is ONLY for Washington State Jurisdiction Women - no refunds will be made if this form is misused or used by others.
REPORTING - INTERNATIONAL FALL REPORTING FORM - for WSJ MULTIPLE Female Credential Holders reporting/paying at one time Holders (due September 30th at 9:00am) - this Intl. Reporting Form is ONLY for Washington State Jurisdiction Women - no refunds will be made if this form is misused or used by others.
(to be included)