We Have Planned A Full Week For Your Spiritual and Natural Benefits
Please Pre-Register by the deadline of March 25, 2025
(Late Registration Deadline of April 2nd - add $30 to each item)
and Attend Every Day & Evening for Full Benefits!
2025 Convention Headquarters:
DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport - 18740 International Boulevard, Seattle 98188
Convention Parking Rate - $15.40 per entrance (unless you register to stay at the venue hotel, then parking is $15.40 per day with in/out privileges)
Overnight Accommodations will soon be available and link will then be posted above
(which includes unlimited parking entrance/exit privileges for $15.40 per day)
SATURDAY - April 19th (NO-COST)
10:00am & 6:00pm - ZOOM to Facebook Prayer: WSJW hosts a Quarterly Prayer on Zoom the 4th Saturday at 10am and 6pm and our April Virtual Prayer each year will be “Preparing for Convention” Intercessory Prayer Warriors from across the State of Washington on Zoom
SATURDAY - April 19th (NO-COST)
9:30am-3:30pm - State-Wide Outreach Events: Everett, Seattle, Kent/Auburn/Federal Way/Renton, Spokane,
North Tacoma, and South Tacoma
SUNDAY – April 20th (NO-COST)
5:30pm - PRE-CONVENTION NO-COST WJC CONCERT featuring FLOW, “First Ladies Of Worship” (LOCATION TBA)
MONDAY - April 21st (NO COST)
5:30-6:30pm - ZOOM CONVENTION COVERING PRAYER with Prayer Warriors for various churches statewide
DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport - 18740 International Boulevard, Seattle 98188
TUESDAY – April 22nd (NO-COST)
6:30pm-7:30pm - Pre-Convention Sanctuary Consecration - All Credentialed Women in Full Black Habits; All Lay Women in Black Attire
7:30pm - Supervisor's closed session with all Ceremonies participants: ALL Designates, Sr. Executive Administrator, Executive Secretary, Supervisor's Armorbearer, and the Adjutant Sister who will be assisting with the Ceremonies
WEDNESDAY – April 23rd
9:00am – Advisory Board coordinated Prayer Breakfast with Unfurling of the WJC Banner, signaling the start of our Convention (NOTE: NO-COST to Emerald Card and Green Card Holders. All “Non-Card Holders - $70.00 if pre-registered by March 25th / no entrance without pre-registration)
11:15am-1:15pm - Empowerment Workshops: Women FORWARD Conference and Men’s Gathering-Conference both following the Breakfast
7:00pm – Evening Opening Setting (NO-COST) with Supervisor’s Annual Address and Missionary Designates Licensing Ceremony
THURSDAY – April 24th (NO-COST)
9:00am – Prayer Opens the Morning Setting with Institute
9:30am-11:00am - Empowerment Workshops (male and female workshops)
11:15am-1:15pm - Empowerment Workshops (male and female workshops)
1:30pm – "Emerald Card Supporters, Only" Meet/Greet THANK YOU Luncheon (To take advantage of this, you must pre-register by April 2nd as an Emerald Card Supporter and then, when you receive your Invite on the 3rd of April, you MUST RSVP by noon on the 4th to be on the RSVP List (only those on the RSVP list will gain entrance) ​
7:00pm – Evening Setting of Women’s Jurisdictional Convention with Echos from Foreign Fields, Scholarships Presentations, and Keynote
FRIDAY – April 25th (NO-COST)
9:00am – Prayer Opens the Morning Setting with Institute
9:30am-11:00am - Empowerment Workshops (male and female workshops)
11:15am-1:15pm - Empowerment Workshops (male and female workshops)
1:30pm – The Executive Board coordinated President's Luncheon and "Out-Pour of Love" (NOTE: NO-COST to Emerald Card and Green Card Holders. All “Non-Card Holders - $95.00 if pre-registered by March 25th / no entrance without pre-registration or Card)
7:00pm - Evening Setting of Women’s Jurisdictional Convention with Sunshine Band, Purity Band, and Keynote by our Prelate, Bishop Alvin C. Moore, Sr.
Our Convention is absolutely no-cost and we welcome everyone-men, women, COGIC, non-COGIC, etc. The ONLY exceptions are:
Wednesday Prayer Breakfast and the connected Women's FORWARD Conference and Men's Gathering
Thursday Emerald Card "Thank You Lunch"
Friday "President's Luncheon"
CARDS of Support
** Realizing that many are wondering will there be another "discount offer" made this year as supervisor did last year at our Beginning Of The Year Meeting - the answer is - There Will Be No Discounts Offered (except for the ones offered for Green and Emerald Cards for Parking Credit (and this parking credit is for 2025, only) **
GREEN CARD-SUPPORTING DELEGATE: For your $185.00 ($200-$15 1-day parking credit) support donation paid in full by the March 25th deadline you receive:
Automatic Pre-Registration
The Advisory Board coordinated Pre-Convention Prayer Breakfast entrance with Card
Women FORWARD Conference or Men's Gathering- both following the Breakfast (for the Breakfast Participants, only)
​The Executive Board coordinated President's Luncheon and "Out-Pour of Love" entrance with Card
Program Booklet
The Delegate Bag
EMERALD CARD-SUPPORTING DELEGATE: For your $295.00 ($325-$30 2-day parking credit) support donation paid in full by the March 25th deadline you receive:
Automatic Pre-Registration
The Advisory Board coordinated Pre-Convention Prayer Breakfast entrance with Card
Women FORWARD Conference or Men's Gathering- both following the Breakfast (for the Breakfast Participants, only)
​The Executive Board coordinated President's Luncheon and "Out-Pour of Love" entrance with Card
The Official Convention SOUVENIR BOOK
The Delegate Bag with multiple special EMERALD DELEGATE Inserts
Your name included on the "Emerald Supporters" Page of the official WJC Souvenir Book
Emerald Card Supporters Only Thursday 1:15pm Meet & Greet "THANK YOU Luncheon"
Emerald Seating at all Evening Setting Services for the entire Women's Jurisdictional Convention (you must be in attendance and seated by 7:05pm)
** Knowledge That You Are A Key Supporter and Key To The Success Of Your Women's Jurisdictional Convention (WJC) And We Acknowledge/Thank You Very Much! **